Thursday, 9 February 2012

Resolutions of the Commemorative Meeting of Four Years of the Zimbabwe People’s Charter: Assessing the Challenges and Re-connecting Civil Society’s Democratic Principles with Zimbabwe’s Future

9 February 2012

We, members of civil society organisations and citizens of Zimbabwe here gathered on 09 February 2012, four years after we committed ourselves to the values and principles outlined in the Zimbabwe Peoples Charter on February 9, 2008 in full knowledge of the political, social and economic challenges that our country Zimbabwe continues to face in 2012, and with this statement of re-commitment to  the same values that are in the Zimbabwe People’s Charter, hereby resolve the following:
1. That members here present pledge to rejuvenate and give life to the Zimbabwe Peoples Charter (ZPC) through the mobilization and bringing together of Zimbabweans who subscribe to its founding principles as well as building provincial chapters and forming strategic alliances and networks at community, national, regional and international levels.

2. Among other principal activities, participants to this meeting will act to create space and give voice to the ZPC fundamental founding principles, specifically through  playing an objective watchdog role on all the policies of the inclusive government  and any other government of the day;

3. That members here present commit to promoting accountability and transparency within the socio-economic, political processes of Zimbabwe at community and national level s so as to ensure that public responsibilities are executed by any government of the day to the satisfaction of the majority of Zimbabweans.

4.  In the interest of the realization of the ideals of the Peoples Charter,  members here present  endorse the interim Committee of the Peoples Charter to undertake activities such as information and publicity activities, public lectures and other similar activities that create and increase awareness among the majority of Zimbabweans of the ideals, principles and aspirations for which the Charter was formed and seek to champion today and in the future.

5. Members here present and organizations and individuals that were present at the genesis of the Charter should recommit to the Zimbabwe People’s Charter on or before the 29th February 2012.

6. Organizations and individuals that were not present in February 2008 but are committed to the values and principles enunciated in the Zimbabwe Peoples Charter are very welcome to participate.
a)  In this instance, re commitment will be taken to mean the integration of the Peoples Charter’s values and principles in each subscribing member in their activities and work at national, provincial and district levels of Zimbabwe
b)  Re-commitment is also taken to mean the measurement of the performance of any Zimbabwean government of the day on the basis of the values and principles outlined in the Zimbabwe Peoples Charter.
7. That members here present agree that the  founding working premise of the Committee of the Zimbabwe Peoples’ Charter (CPC) shall be the pursuit of the realization of the societal objectives enunciated by the Zimbabwe People’s Charter adopted at the Peoples Convention on 9 February 2008 in Harare, Zimbabwe for which we are gathered to commemorate four years of existence today.

8. Until such a time when a substantive committee has been put in place, the current working committee (group) will continue to work with all who were in attendance at this meeting held on 09 February 2012 and those who gave notice of their inability to attend through coordinating activities of the CPC
Participating organizations

National Constitutional Assembly
Radio Dialogue
Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights
Media Institute of Southern Africa
Media Alliance
Media Monitoring Project of Zimbabwe
Centre for Community Development in Zimbabwe
Youth Forum
Media Centre
Platform for Youth Develeopment
Youth Alliance for Democracy
Zimbabwe  Congress of Trade Unions
Zimbabwe National Students Union
Student Christian Movement of Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe Election Support Network
Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe
Revolutionary Workers Group
Institute for Young Women Development
Zimbabwe Community Development Trust
Humanitarian Information Centre
Women Coalition

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